CashtoCode eVoucher fees
You are not charged anything when you are using the CashtoCode eVoucher. Instead, you pay a fulfillment fee when you purchase the voucher. The fee varies depending on the reseller. Some resellers charge a variable fee which makes buying larger vouchers more efficient. However, most resellers charge a flat fee. test
Reseller fees
You can buy CashtoCode eVouchers from the following resellers. Here’s how much they charge in fees and what voucher denomination they offer.
Platform | Fees | Denominations |
Reload Hero | 6% | $25, $50, $100, $150, $250 |
Dundle | 7.03% – 14.68% | $25, $50, $100 |
Offgamers | 10% | $25, $50, $100, $150, $250 |
Topmeup | 4.95% – 14.75% | $25, $50, $100 |
SeaGM | 6.40% | $25, $50, $100, $150, $250 |
You can buy multiple CashtoCode eVouchers per transaction. If you want to get $1,000 in eVoucher codes, you can get four times of $250 vouchers. Each of the 20-character codes will have $250.
Other fees
There are no other eVoucher fees. There are no maintenance fees, no currency conversion fees and no administrations fees. You don’t need to register and as such you don’t have to pay for anything else other than the fulfillmet fee which you cover when you purchase the vouchers.